Workshop Resin Flooring Norfolk


The new workshop required a durable resin flooring solution for vehicle maintenance.

Workshop Resin Flooring Norfolk 01


We proposed the application of a cost effective yet durable high build epoxy flooring system.

Initially all surfaces were prepared by method of vacuum controlled diamond grinding to remove surface contaminants and laitance to ensure optimum adhesion of the new resin flooring. During preparation of the concrete slab we exposed several shrinkage cracks and areas of damage.

The cracks were expressed using a vacuum controlled diamond saw prior to filling using a crack consolidating epoxy resin. The surface defects were made good using an epoxy resin scratch coat made by mixing epoxy resin 1: 05 with kiln dried quartz aggregate.

As part of our standard resin flooring quality assurance the moisture content of the concrete slab and the climatic conditions were tested before the application of the epoxy flooring.

All areas were first treated using a pigmented damp tolerant epoxy primer applied at a generous consumption rate of 0.4Kg/m2. Following cure any minor defects remaining were filled using a twin component polyester filler and sanded flush.

The floor was thoroughly vacuumed clean in order to ensure optimum adhesion between the layers of epoxy flooring. Dust present on the surface would prevent proper adhesion of the subsequent coat of the resin flooring system.

A heavy coat of high build epoxy coating was then applied at a generous consumption of 0.6Kg/m2, providing an durable yet aesthetically pleasing resin floor suitable for a workshop environment.