From impact resistance through to chemical and abrasion resistance. However what all industrial flooring applications have in common is that if your floor is not in service your production is being disrupted.
Using our 30 years industrial flooring experience we are able to select the correct Industrial Resin Flooring specification from a range of manufacturers and tailor this to your individual sites requirements to offer maximum durability and minimise down time and future maintenance.
Often when repairing floors significant repairs are required to the substrate before a new resin floor can be applied. Ensuring that these repairs are correctly actioned is as important as the floor installation itself, as any industrial floor is only as good as what it is applied to.
It might not always be glamorous, but we thrive on the challenge these floors often present. Our highly trained applicators are hugely experienced in working in industrial environments alongside site operations with all of the logistical, safety and program challenges this can present.
Below are some examples of our works we have installed to date.