Water Tank Lining
The drinking water tank had been identified as requiring repair following inspection and required a drinking water approved tank lining.
We proposed the application of Acothane DW for the refurbishment of the vessel as the most suitable long term solution.
Preparing the tank for lining
All of the existing failing coatings were first removed by method of abrasive blasting with the exposed steel being prepared to SA2.5. As well as removing all rust, scale and existing coatings this created an excellent mechanical anchor for the new tank lining to adhere to.
Applying stripe coats
To ensure full film build on angles and edges where paint pulls thin through gravity and surface tension separate stripe coats where first applied to these areas as per good coating practice.
Applying the tank lining
The new tank lining was then applied in two coats of contrasting colour to a total thickness of 1000 microns as per the manufacturers recommendations.
Testing the new tank lining
As per our standard practice the new tank lining was tested for pin holing using a DC Holiday spark tester. Where found pin holes were marked with chalk prior to touching in using the same material applied by brush. This process is essential for ensuring a pin hole free finish as each pin hole is a potential point of failure in which aggressive agents can enter and undermine the tank lining.