Fuel Delivery Bund Lining, Northamptonshire


The existing asphalt surfacing and lack of bunding had been identified as an environmental risk in the event of a fuel spill or leak during deliveries.

As part of the works a new retaining wall and drainage to an interceptor was to be installed. The existing asphalt would be removed and a new sealing finish was required.


We proposed the application of an extremely heavy duty and slip resistant bund lining in the form of Resdev  Pumadur DP – a 6mm thick fully blinded polyurethane screed. We proposed this system as when deliveries take place hoses are often dropped on the floor.

Being 6mm thick and resin rich through its full thickness, if damage were to occur this would not allow water to permeate beneath the coating which could lead to lifting and failure.

Following the removal of the asphalt by others the slab was prepared by method of vacuum controlled scabbling to provide an excellent mechanical profile for the new bund lining to adhere to.

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Unfortunately during the asphalt removal works damage had occurred to the concrete slab. To make good a scratch coat was applied to the slab by mixing kiln dried quartz sand 1:1 with Resdev Pumaprime SF.

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The wet resin was fully blinded with quartz aggregate to provide a mechanical bond for the subsequent polyurethane screed.

Excess quartz aggregate was removed using soft brooms and vacuums prior to the installation of anchor points and termination chases. These are essential when applying polyurethane cement materials as during curing the materials can ‘toast’ at edges if these are not provided.

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Resdeve Pumadur DP was then installed to a thickness of 6mm by method of pin rake and trowel. Immediately after laying 2 – 3mm DKI quartz was broadcast into the wet resin to provide a course surface profile for slip resistance.

Once cured excess quartz was removed again and the area sealed using Resdev Pumadur TF applied by method of brush and roller. This was dressed up the vertical curbs as well to ensure the bund was fully sealed.

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Finally markings were installed  and expansion joints reflected in the finished surface. This is essential to prevent reflective cracking in the new bund lining, which if it did occur would allow liquid egress. All expansion joints and the perimeter floor/wall interface were then sealed using a chemical resistant polyurethane jointing compound.