Once the active water ingress into the pit had been resolved we were able to commence preparation for the tank lining itself. All surfaces to be coated were prepared by method of vacuum controlled diamond grinding, followed by vacuum cleaning to prevent dust disrupting the bond of the new tank lining. This is especially critical when there is potential for a negative load to be applied to the rear face of the tank lining.
If we had been applying a conventional tank lining at this point it would have been necessary to apply a cementitious fairing coat to fill blow holes and irregularities in the concrete surface that cannot be filled with conventional coatings.
However in this application because of the ultra high build properties of Raven Lining 405 which allow the tank lining to be applied in this case at 6mm thick in a single application, this was not required as the material itself will fill blow holes.
Raven Lining 405 was applied using notched trowels to gauge that the correct thickness had been applied and then finished using a steel float. Although not required for this application the material is extremely damp tolerant, making it ideal for buried concrete pits and tanks.