Warehouse Resing Flooring, Suffolk


The warehousing company required their warehouse floor improving in order to facilitate the use of their storage facility by a blue chip customer. The floor had areas of damage that presented a hazard to fork lifts and employees and the concrete was dusty risking product contamination.


As requested we quoted for the making good of areas of damage to the slab, application of a cost effective resin flooring system and reinstatement of the expansion joints.

Initially cracks were expressed using vacuum controlled floor saws and areas of damaged concrete isolated prior to breaking out using vibration damped breakers.

Once prepared cracks were repaired using a low viscosity crack consolidation resin and repairs to the concrete made using a high strength epoxy mortar. These repairs would provide a stable foundation for the application of the new resin flooring.

All surfaces where the new resin flooring was to be applied were then prepared by method of vacuum controlled diamond grinding in order to remove surface laitance, contaminants and provide a key for the new resin flooring.

Warehouse Resin Flooring Suffolk 08

Resin flooring gains maximum adhesion when resins used are able to penetrate the concrete matrix, meaning that rather than simply relying on the adhesive strength of the resin flooring they also benefit from the tensile strength of the concrete.

In this application this was also aided by the application of a water based epoxy coating in the form of Don Construction Products Strong Coat WD . The first coat of this material is diluted 10% with water to aid penetration into the concrete matrix structure by reducing the viscosity of the material.

This was applied by method of squeegee and roller, followed by a second coat of the same material in undiluted form.

As per correct resin flooring practice the extensive expansion joints in the slab were then reflected through the new epoxy flooring and sealed using a flexible polyurethane jointing compound.

If expansion joints are coated over/filled as many other contractors do, it is highly likely that as the concrete expands and contracts through thermal movement that reflective cracking will be witnessed in the new resin flooring finish.